
Alma keeps student data safe and accurate from the very beginning.

Your learning community is the top priority, and protecting student data is a critical component in ensuring safety.

5 ways Alma maintains data integrity:

Data migration with Navigator
Easily clean and maintain data quality throughout your migration and Alma implementation with Navigator, so nothing — and no one — gets left behind.

Eliminate enrollment errors
Alma Start’s completely digital enrollment process eliminates redundant physical paperwork, prevents handwritten errors, and is securely backed up every 24 hours.

Protected access
Alma uses a clear permission-based system to ensure authorized users see only the information they are permitted to access.

Accurate reporting
Alma maintains state and CRDC reports well in advance of deadlines, troubleshooting errors that invalidate your data collection as you go.

Intuitive platform
Built with educators in mind, Alma’s platform is easy for users of all levels to navigate, understand, and put the right information in the right place.