Alma Pressroom

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Ensuring Reliability and Security in Ed Tech: Why Your SIS Must Deliver

Let’s break down the essential steps of switching your SIS. And by the end, you’ll discover there’s still time to make the upgrade to a better SIS by the start of your next school year!

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Simplifying Your SIS Transition: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s break down the essential steps of switching your SIS. And by the end, you’ll discover there’s still time to make the upgrade to a better SIS by the start of your next school year!

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Keeping Our Teachers: How Simple SIS Tasks Can Promote Retention

Teachers face numerous challenges that may lead to ultimately departing from the profession. From handling administrative tasks to managing classroom dynamics, the pressure can be overwhelming. By using a Student Information System (SIS), schools can help alleviate some of these burdens and promote teacher retention.

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Top 12 Factors to Consider When Switching to a Better SIS

Switching to a better Student Information System (SIS) is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your school’s operational efficiency and educational outcomes. To ensure your new SIS platform aligns with your school’s needs and enhances operational efficiency, here are the top 12 factors to keep in mind.

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EDTECH TIME TRAVEL: How Technology Transformed Teaching Over the Last 75 Years

At Alma, the importance of integrating technology in a way that supports pedagogical goals is paramount. Alma’s comprehensive SIS platform and LMS tools are designed with the PedTech mindset, providing solutions that enhance teaching and learning while keeping the focus on educational outcomes.

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FROM EDTECH TO PEDTECH: What is PedTech and Why Should it Matter to You?

At Alma, the importance of integrating technology in a way that supports pedagogical goals is paramount. Alma’s comprehensive SIS platform and LMS tools are designed with the PedTech mindset, providing solutions that enhance teaching and learning while keeping the focus on educational outcomes.

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Detecting, Assessing, and Defusing Bullying in Schools

Creating a safer, more inclusive environment where every student can succeed is a multifaceted endeavor. By detecting early signs, thoroughly assessing incidents, and implementing effective strategies to diffuse bullying, schools can make a significant impact.

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Mastery Grading: Unlocking Every Student’s Potential

Are you ready to revolutionize the way you track and support student success? Alma’s transformative platform offers a powerful and flexible mastery grading system designed to meet your school’s unique needs.

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Celebrating Innovators in Education: Honoring Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

This May, as we honor Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month, we spotlight the educators and innovators who have significantly shaped the educational landscape.

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The Crucial Role of Accurate and Comprehensive Transcripts in a Student’s Educational Journey

Transcripts are more than just pieces of paper; they are passports to higher education and job opportunities. Colleges, scholarship committees, and employers rely heavily on transcripts to make critical decisions.

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Guru99: 15 BEST School Management System Software (Apr 2024)

This integration empowers both teachers and administrators to focus on individual student achievement with confidence, knowing that gradebooks and report cards will always be up to date for all students and classes. With Alma and Microsoft Teams Assignments working seamlessly together, educators can dedicate more time to supporting their students’ success.

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How Modern Ed-Tech Should Be Saving You Time: The Hidden Costs of Outdated Software

Every minute a teacher spends navigating clunky software interfaces or troubleshooting avoidable glitches is a minute not spent on teaching, planning, or engaging with students. Older ed-tech platforms lack the integration and intuitive design that modern software offers. This not only drains time but also energy, diverting attention away from educational goals.

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33 Earth-Friendly Classroom Activities: Celebrating Our Planet Every Day

As Earth Day rolls around this month, it’s a perfect time to remind ourselves that our commitment to the planet doesn’t have to be limited to just one day a year.

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Alma News

Alma Wins at Prestigious EdTech Awards 2024

The EdTech Awards 2024 has crowned Alma as this year’s winner of the “Best Administrative Solution” category, marking another milestone in its history of repeated successes in this prestigious competition. This accolade highlights Alma’s continuous innovation and leadership in developing solutions that transform educational administration.

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Alma News

Alma Named Finalist in 2024 CODiE Awards!

Alma’s Student Information System has been named a finalist for the Best Administrative Solution in the 2024 SIIA CODiE Awards.

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Empowering the Future: Celebrating Women’s Innovations in STEAM

As we celebrate these remarkable women and their contributions to STEAM, we’re reminded of the importance of fostering an environment that nurtures creativity, innovation, and inclusion. Alma’s commitment to providing tools that empower individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue their passions in STEAM, echoes the spirit of these trailblazers. We strive bolster the ethos of breaking barriers and building a future where everyone has the opportunity to shine in STEAM fields.

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Partner News: Alma SIS Classroom Data Sync for Microsoft Teams

This integration empowers both teachers and administrators to focus on individual student achievement with confidence, knowing that gradebooks and report cards will always be up to date for all students and classes. With Alma and Microsoft Teams Assignments working seamlessly together, educators can dedicate more time to supporting their students’ success.

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5 Solid Reasons to Upgrade Your Outdated SIS Right NOW

Discover how upgrading to Alma SIS can transform your educational institution. Streamline faculty onboarding, boost parental engagement, and cut unnecessary expenses for a stress-free school year. Upgrade now!

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Alma helps families embrace progressive practices

Whether your school has fully transitioned to standards-based grading or is still considering it, families may resist the new assessment methods for monitoring student progress. This webinar showcases how Alma’s adaptable platform helps families and teachers grasp the shift to standards-based grading, whether implemented class-by-class, grade-by-grade, or school-wide.

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Look Before You Leap: Embracing a Seamless Transition into the New School Year with Alma

Alma’s advanced rollover capabilities not only streamline the shift to the new school year but also offer substantial advantages to educators. This empowers teachers to smoothly transition into the upcoming academic year, allowing them to savor their summer break to the fullest.

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The Irreplaceable Value of Personal Connections in Education:

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, where digital tools and educational technology are increasingly prevalent, a pivotal narrative emerges – one that upholds technology as an aid to teachers, not a substitute. The essence of education thrives on the personal bonds between teachers, students, and parents; a fundamental element that technology, no matter how advanced, cannot replicate.

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Unlock the Potential of ESSER Funding Before the 2024 Deadline: Upgrade to an Advanced Student Information System

Upgrading to a cutting-edge SIS transcends mere database functions; it is a pivotal step towards enhancing operational efficiency, data accuracy, and the overall educational experience for students, educators, and parents.

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Transforming Chronic Absenteeism Management with Alma: A Proactive Approach to Student Success

This collaboration introduces a seamless integration of Microsoft Teams Assignments with Alma’s School Information System (SIS), promising an end to redundant data entry for educators.

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Alma and Microsoft Teams Revolutionize Classroom Management with Seamless Data Integration

This collaboration introduces a seamless integration of Microsoft Teams Assignments with Alma’s School Information System (SIS), promising an end to redundant data entry for educators.

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A Decade of Innovation: The Alma Journey and Our Vision for the Future

As I reflect on the past decade and look forward to the next, I am filled with gratitude. To our customers, partners, and the entire Alma team – thank you for believing in our vision and joining us on this incredible journey. The future is bright, and together, we will continue to redefine the possibilities of education.

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11 satisfying features that have everyone buzzing about Alma after just seeing a quick demo

Here’s a just glimpse of 11 satisfying features (and there’s so many more!) that have everyone excited about after seeing a quick demo of Alma.

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Why Flexibility and Scalability in Your SIS is Vital: Making EdTech Work For You

In the dynamic world of education, where each school’s needs are as unique as its students, the role of a Student Information System (SIS) cannot be overstated.

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Technology in the Classroom: Saving Time, Sanity, and Shaping the Future of Education

In an era where digital innovation is not just a buzzword but a lifeline, the realm of education has evolved significantly, becoming more data-driven and forward-thinking.

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Alma: The Game-Changer in Education as Told by Former Educators

A modern student information system (SIS) can be a valuable tool in transitioning to a standards-based grading system. Here are ten ways that a modern SIS can help facilitate the transition.

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