Blog | August 22, 2023

August 22, 2023

Strategies for Addressing Learning Loss and Bolstering Social Growth in a Post-COVID19 Era

by Your Friends at Alma

Picture of Douglass Mabry

Douglass Mabry

The repercussions of the pandemic are felt not just in academic milestones but also in the invaluable social interactions that school environments foster. As we step into the post-COVID19 era, it’s essential to devise comprehensive strategies that address both the academic and social challenges students face. Here’s a blend of traditional and tech-driven methods educators can employ:

Recovery post-COVID19 is multifaceted. It’s about rebuilding academic foundations and rekindling the joy of interpersonal interactions. By combining traditional and modern methods, educators can create a holistic environment where students thrive academically and socially.

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